venerdì 13 aprile 2012

HRL - Horse Racing Lay

HRLHorse Racing Lay
Aintree2.00 Vulcanite
Sedgefield2.10 The Weatherman
Leicester2.20 Lyric Ace
Aintree2.30 Silviniaco Conti
Sedgefield2.45 Heather Glen
Leicester2.55 Pressure Drop
Aintree3.05 Albertas Run
Sedgefield3.20 Dark Moon
Leicester3.30 Intercept
Aintree3.40 Frankie Figg
Sedgefield3.55 Carrietau
Leicester4.05 Party Line
Aintree4.15 Fingal Bay
Sedgefield4.30 Bright Cloud
Leicester4.40 Samminder
Aintree4.50 It's A Gimme
Sedgefield5.05 Stanley Bridge
Leicester5.15 Negin
Aintree5.25 Call Me A Star
Sedgefield5.35 Yippee Kiyay
Leicester5.45 Save The Bees
Wolverhampton5.55 Love Grows Wild
Wolverhampton6.25 Munsarim
Wolverhampton6.55 Broughtons Bandit
Wolverhampton7.25 Island Legend
Wolverhampton7.55 Indian Petal
Wolverhampton8.25 Dubious Escapade
Wolverhampton8.55 Casa Bex

Quote da verificare prima della partenza

1-LAY ODDS <@10
2-LAY ODDS <@5

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